Equine Herpes Virus (EHV-1)

Equine Herpes Myeloencephalopathy (EHM)

   This is a working-draft for Specific Guidelines to ensure the safest environment possible for our  shows. We will continue to update this protocol as we receive updates and information from USEF,  Federal and State Authorities.  Updates will be posted as they become available. Question or concerns

(916) 305-8898

Current update January 3, 2024

Before the Show
As you prepare for the Competition, please continue to monitor your horses health. Any horses showing a temperature should remain at home. Thank you!

    During the Show
    USEF and Competition would like to remind all participants of the importance of following biosecurity best practices during the show.

    • Recomment Temperature checks twice daily .
    • Any suspicion of illness in horses, including a temperature over 101.5°F, should be immediately reported to the show office and veterinarian.
    • Immediately isolate and/or quarantine any horse exhibiting symptoms of illness.
    • Avoid animal-to-animal contact.
    • Do not share equipment between horses.
    • IF YOU MUST SHARE, scrub and clean equipment with detergent and dry completely between shared use.
    • When filling water buckets, DO NOT dip the end of the hose in each bucket. Hold the hose above the water when filling.
    • Wash/sanitize hands thoroughly before and after direct horse contact.
    • Limit human-horse contact.
    • Because humans can be a means of disease transmission, avoid moving between barns unless absolutely necessary.
    • No grazing.

    Questions or Concerns (916) 305-8898


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